How to travel from Porto to Foz do Douro

If you are staying in Porto for a few days, you have several options to travel to Foz do Douro. By car, Foz do Douro is easily accessible in 15-20 minutes from the center. However, keep in mind that due to the high traffic the drive can take a bit longer. Another option which we usually preferred was travelling with the old historic tram from the station Infante. The drive next to the Douro river is an experience itself and the old charm of the tram rounds off this wonderful 25-minutes drive.

Tram from Porto to Foz do Douro

The tickets for the drive can be bought directly at the tram. For our last trip we paid 8€/person for two drives, which is fine for the travel experience you get.

Finally, there are also options to take the bus line 500 from Infante with the direction Matosinhos. By taking the bus, you will probably be a bit faster and save some money. So in general, there are many options when you want to travel from Porto to Foz do Douro and we even also decided to take the scooter once (this was also very nice).

Porto’s Miami Beach: Colourful birds, palm trees and the lighthouse Felgueiras

Arriving in Foz do Douro, we always enjoyed the fresh breeze coming directly from the sea when we left the tram. Here, we directly headed to Av. de Dom Carlos I which is a street with palm trees on the sides.

avenida de dom carlos i in Porto

We loved walking straight through this street as the palm trees are filled with colourful birds, singing all along and it reminds us of walking in Miami beach. On top, you can watch fishermen fishing on the shore.

When you follow the street right next to the water, you will arrive at Farol de Felgueiras. There, the sea wall invites you to take a walk to the lighthouse and back. Close to the lighthouse, you will also see an impressive fortress from the 16th century. This fortress is called Forte de São João Batista da Foz and was built in order to protect the estuary area of the Douro river.

One of the most romantic places in Porto: Pérgola da Nevogilde

After the first historical insights, Foz do Douro is usually a great place to enjoy a walk or a day at the beach. The coastline is quite long and offers a beautiful path to Matosihos in the North with a romantic promenade. One of the main highlights during your walk at the coastline is the beautiful Pérgola da Nevogilde. The photos of this place speak for itself and especially during sunset this is a place which will never disappoint you.

Pérgola da Nevogilde in Porto during sunset

However, keep in mind that also the walk within Foz do Douro (not directly at the coast but parallel to it) is more than worth a try. Here, you will find smalll shops, boutiques and cafés. Especially in peak times during summer, these narrow streets offer a calm and unique atmosphere. On top, if you are searching for a tasteful lunch or you just want to enjoy a coffee, Amélia Foz is the new place to go. The beautiful inside of the café and restaurant emphasizes the delicious and light food offered on site. In addition, they offer vegan and gluten-free options, so that everyone will find something on the menu.

Promenade of Foz do Douro creates summer feelings

Now, it’s up to you do discover this underrated district not far from Porto. It’s a great contrast to the busy city life and takes you to a picturesque place that creates summer feelings.

Sunset at Foz do Douro in Porto

For sure, you can even enjoy the district of Foz do Douro with a bycicle. There are several paths next to the sea or on the promenade where you can ride your bike while you enjoy the atmosphere of this wonderful district.

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